Modern burial of the remains
Although cremation and urn burial started to be practised not so long ago in Lithuania, the custom of cremation of the deceased has been known for about 3 thousand years before our era. It has long been believed that when the material body is burned, the human soul becomes free and can travel peacefully to another world.
Where can I bury urns?
Recently, people in Lithuania have been facing a shortage of grave sites. For this reason, cremation and burial of the urns in columbariums helps to solve these concerns. The urn is a special vessel where the ashes of the deceased are kept after cremation. The urn can be buried not only in columbariums, but also buried in a cemetery, thus maintaining the customs of traditional burial.
Why choose urn viewing and burial?
In Lithuania, cremation and urn burial are becoming more and more popular every year. This method of burial is increasingly being chosen because it’s hygienic and ecological. It has also been observed that when urn viewing and burial is chosen rather than the body of the deceased, the whole ceremony is less depressing and gloomy. Also, in Lithuania, the urn can be kept in your home for 3 months and only then buried, so it gives more time for mourning and reconciliation with the death of a loved one. This is another occasion for proper expression of respect.
What kind of urns do we offer?
UAB “Tadora” provides all funeral services in one place. Therefore, we will gladly help you choose the most suitable urn in order to fulfil the different wishes of each client. The price of an urn depends on the type of material. We offer our customers a choice of up to 50 types. It is possible to buy not only marble or granite urns, but also special, BIO urns that decay in the ground. This is one of the most popular choices among ecology advocates.
If you have any questions regarding the choice of urns, you can feel free to contact us at any time of the day. We provide free consultations by telephone +370 (659) 66666 or email: